Webinar SCOMathon Knowledge Partner versus Traditional Consultancy

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Title: Webinar SCOMathon Knowledge Partner versus Traditional Consultancy
Presenter: SCOMathon Knowledge Partner versus Traditional Consultancy
Date: Tuesday 10 May 2022 at 09:30 CET (Europe – Amsterdam time)

On Tuesday 10 May 2022 TopQore was again part of the SCOMathon event!
Our first session was a session of about 20 minutes with the title: “Knowledge Partner versus Traditional Consultancy“.

We are exploring some of the changes in consultancy services and the requests from customers and the community to provide new types of services and how we deal with those requests in our business.
Is knowledge partnership the new way of consultancy? How do our services fit into the New Model? Come and find out!

To come and see the SCOMathon sessions and all the other great content which gets presented during that day by many well-known monitoring experts at the SCOMathon main page. There you can find all recordings of all sessions.

The “Knowledge Partner versus Traditional Consultancy” session you can watch without registering through the form as well over here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=954u7EimU3w 

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