With advancements in the era of digital transformation, IT infrastructure is evolving as well. With more and more data being generated at edge, exponential growth of containerisation, and growing need for hybrid and multi-cloud environments, it is becoming increasingly complex and decentralized to manage all your workloads and services across these platforms. This is where Azure Arc steps in.
With Azure Arc, you can project all non-Azure resources in Azure, and utilize the many familiar services in Azure on these resources even if they’re not running in Azure. How cool is that?!

Today, you can leverage Azure Arc to consistently manage and govern following workloads:
- Servers
- Kubernetes (AKS)
- Data Services (Azure SQL MI, Postgre SQL)
- VMware Vsphere
- System Center VMM
- SQL Server
It is also one of the basic building blocks to build up you Hybrid Cloud scenarios and solutions, such as Azure Stack HCI!
Interested to know more? Get in touch with us!