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Title: SCOMathon 2021 Panel – What is the future of SCOM
Presenter: John Joyner, Cameron Fuller, John Liss, Bob Cornelissen and Martijn Weterings, Bruce Cullen!
Date: Tuesday 08 June 2021 at 09:18 CET (Europe – Amsterdam time)
During SCOMathon June 2021 we also had Panel discussions about several subjects. One of the SCOM subject Panel Discussions we were a part of is “What is the Future of SCOM?” with Industry experts such as John Joyner, Cameron Fuller, John Liss and our own Bob Cornelissen and Martijn Weterings, with the panel moderator Bruce Cullen!
Click here for a direct link to the recording at the channel of SCOMathon!
Have a look at this recording while we discuss some of the questions which came up during the event.
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