TopQore has been doing in-house SCOM training at different levels for companies worldwide for years, and since 2021 we decided to create certification badges if you reach a certain level of training and pass the required tests. This page aims to explain the TopQore SCOM Certification Path and requirements for each certification badge and which courses are aligned with these.
Here is an overview picture of the certification badges and aligned courses and requirements for the SCOM certifications

Types of TopQore SCOM Certifications:
TopQore Certified SCOM Operator Certification Badge
- Earners of the TopQore Certified SCOM Operator badge have demonstrated foundational level knowledge of Microsoft SCOM in order to use the SCOM console as a SCOM Operator.
- The aligned course is our TopQore SCOM Operator Training (If you take the training package this includes the exam)
- Requirements: Passing the Exam for TopQore SCOM Operator. Exam can be taken separately through our SCOM exams page.
TopQore Certified SCOM Administrator Certification Badge
- Earners of the TopQore Certified SCOM Administrator certification have demonstrated relevant knowledge of Microsoft SCOM in order to:
- Create a basic design and perform a basic installation of SCOM
- Use the SCOM console to do all basic tasks belonging to Operator and Administrator functions
- Understand the Class and Health Models
- Work with Management Packs
- Work with Reporting
- Work with Agents
- Understand User Roles and Permissions
- Perform basic maintenance tasks required to keep SCOM healthy.
- The aligned course is our TopQore SCOM Administrator Training (if you take the training package this includes the exam).
- Requirements:
- Passing the Exam for TopQore SCOM Administrator. Exam can be taken separately through our SCOM exams page.
- Having attained the TopQore Certified SCOM Operator certification badge.
TopQore SCOM Specialist Module Badge
- Earners of the TopQore SCOM Specialist module badge have demonstrated foundational level knowledge of a specific Microsoft SCOM feature named in the badge. Examples of module subjects are Designing for High Availability, Network Device Monitoring, Linux/Unix Device Monitoring, MP Authoring, Dashboarding and more.
- The aligned course is our TopQore Specialist Module Training. These trainings are given after the SCOM Administrator certification. This training and exam can also be presented by a Technology Training Partner of TopQore.
- Requirements: Attending the TopQore SCOM Specialist Module Training and passing an Exam.
- The aligned courses are the ones for the SCOM Specialist Modules mentioned on the SCOM Specialist training page.
TopQore Certified SCOM Specialist Certification Badge
- Earners of the TopQore Certified SCOM Specialist certification have demonstrated relevant knowledge of Microsoft SCOM in a number of specialized areas above SCOM Administrator level. This requires attending at least 4 custom SCOM module trainings on top of the SCOM Administrator credential.
- The aligned courses are the ones for the SCOM Specialist Modules mentioned on the SCOM Specialist training page.
- Requirements: Having the TopQore Certified SCOM Administrator badge and 4 TopQore SCOM Specialist Module badges.
TopQore Certified SCOM Architect Badge
- Earners of the TopQore Certified SCOM Architect certification have demonstrated relevant knowledge of designing Microsoft SCOM architectures, from simple to more complex scenario’s.
- Requirements: Attending the 2-day SCOM Architecture and Design training and passing the exam. OR by passing both the SCOM Administrator and SCOM Advanced Design exams.
What is needed for us to issue a badge?
A badge is issued to a person based on Name (First name, Last name), and their e-mail address. This is why we ask for this information upon registering a course or doing a required Exam.
We are using the “badgr” platform to issue badges which are conform to the OpenBadges standards. This means these conform to standards and can often be opened from another badges backpack you may have in another platform already.
To attend any of the trainings either in-house for your company (on-site or remote); or attend a more generic public training, please contact us through [email protected]
Separate Links to the badges
TopQore – All public badges page
TopQore Certified SCOM Operator certification badge page
TopQore Certified SCOM Administrator certification badge page