On this page you will find the TopQore SCOM certification Exams for SCOM Operator and SCOM Administrator. This is meant for those who already have experience with either Operating or Administering SCOM, and want to get certified by taking an exam, without needing to follow a training first. This way you can showcase for your current or future employers that you possess the essential knowledge to operate SCOM on the attained level.

To get an overview of the TopQore SCOM certification path and levels, please go to our SCOM Certification Overview page. There you will find the levels of SCOM certification, ranging from SCOM Operator, to SCOM Administrator, to SCOM Specialist and the requirements. From there you will find links to the relevant training pages, which contain more information regarding the training, but also the exam contents, since it is based on that content.
If you already have a number of months experience as a SCOM Operator, and you want to just take this exam without the associated SCOM Operator training, you can do so below by paying the exam fees for the SCOM Operator Exam and we will schedule a time-slot with you.
If you already have a number of months or more experience as a SCOM Administrator and you want to prove your skills in certification without following the associated SCOM Administrator training, you can do so by paying and registering for the applicable exam below and we will schedule a time-slot with you.
For the SCOM Specialist topics, we have not made the exams available without taking the trainings. These are linked to the training day for the relevant topic.
TopQore certified SCOM Operator | TopQore certified SCOM Administrator |
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Main Topics: – Navigate SCOM Console Monitoring pane – Health State and Health Explorer basics – Differences between Rules and Monitors – Working with Alerts – contents, tabs, take actions – Use performance views – Use state views – Know possibilities of Tasks – Know possibilities of Maintenance Mode – Use My Workspace | Main Topics: – What is a Management Group – SCOM backend roles and how they interact – Understand the basics of what is needed to install SCOM infra roles – Making simple SCOM designs – Installing SCOM through the wizard – Connect new agents to SCOM – Understand Gateways – Understand agents and gateway authentication (including certificates) – Understand the Health model – Understand the Class model (basics) – Differences between Rules and Monitors and their uses – SCOM console navigation – Working with Notifications – PowerShell basics for SCOM – SCOM User roles and custom user roles – SCOM reporting – SCOM tasks – Basic SCOM maintenance tasks |
Cost of Exam = 50 Euro or 55 US Dollar | Cost of Exam = 200 Euro or 220 US Dollar |
Schedule for exams: Schedule it with our contact person after payment. It takes about half an hour to do the exam (30 minutes reserved). | Schedule for exams: Schedule it with our contact person after payment. It takes about an hour to do the exam (90 minutes reserved). |
Use below payment options to pay for the Exam (we will contact you to schedule a day and time). Add Name and e-mail address (otherwise type email in the billing address)!Buy NowNote: Prices are excluding taxes, if they apply | Use below payment options to pay for the Exam (we will contact you to schedule a day and time). Add Name and e-mail address (otherwise type email in the billing address)!Buy NowNote: Prices are excluding taxes, if they apply |
Upon reviewing the topics, if you find yourself less confident in your knowledge, we offer comprehensive training programs for both SCOM Operators and Administrators. Our training program is designed as a combo package that not only equips you with valuable skills but also provides the opportunity to earn a certification through a straightforward exam. With this combined approach, you can be assured of learning all the necessary topics to successfully attain certification. We are dedicated to assisting you in achieving the goals you have set and supporting your journey to success.
SCOM Operator Training | TopQore Certified
SCOM Administrator Training | TopQore Certified
And of course after these, we have the SCOM Specialist trainings, for which you can find more information on the page SCOM Specialist overview.
We wish you the best of luck on your certification journey!