Since 2021 TopQore has introduced a community badges program. This is to encourage tech community members to learn new things outside of the official training and learning paths. These are often related to attending webinars and on-site events.

Below we will introduce you to the badge chart and explain below how this is setup and what incentives or gifts are included:

Types of TopQore Community Badges:
TopQore Event Badge – This badge can be issued for a specific event, such as a webinar or on-site event participation. The box in the middle will reflect which event it was issued for.
TopQore Community Scholar – Once you have gained 4 Event Badges, you will be issued the Community Scholar badge. Earners of this badge have attended at least 4 TopQore community events, such as webinars. It shows dedication to learning through electronic media provided by the community.
TopQore Community Champion – Once you have gained 8 Event Badges, you will be issued the Community Champion badge. Earners of this badge have attended at least 8 TopQore community events, such as webinars. It shows a lot of dedication to learning through electronic media provided by the community. When you have the Scholar badge and add 4 more Event badges you will earn the Community Champion badge.
TopQore Community Wizard – Once you have gained 12 Event Badges, you will be issued the Community Wizard badge. Earners of this badge have attended at least 12 TopQore community events, such as webinars. Added to that you will also get a free t-shirt sent to you.
TopQore Community Ninja – Once you have gained 16 Event Badges, you will be issued the Community Ninja badge. Earners of this badge have attended at least 16 TopQore community events, such as webinars. Apart from earning this badge, we will send you a free voucher code to follow our SCOM Operator training. If you have already attended, you can give the voucher to a friend or colleague.
TopQore Community Jedi – Once you have gained 20 Event Badges, you will be issued the Community Jedi badge. Earners of this badge have attended at least 20 TopQore community events, such as webinars. Apart from earning this badge, you will get an invite to join us as a presenter in a future webinar.
TopQore Community Presenter – This badge is issued to presenters of TopQore Community webinars or co-presenters at on-site presentations. This Presenter badge plus 2 Event badges will also lead to the Community Scholar badge.
How to obtain the TopQore Event Badges?
One of the most important sources are the webinars we host. Check out our TopQore Webinars page for more information about past and upcoming events and webinars. It contains information about the webinars, but often there are also recordings you can register for and gain badges for those as well.
What is needed for us to issue a badge?
A badge is issued to a person based on Name (First name, Last name), and their e-mail address. This is why we ask for this information upon registering for an event or for watching a recording. For some events we will issue badges also to active viewers of a recording. Just registering for a webinar and not attending is not enough.
We are using the “badgr” platform to issue badges which are conform to the OpenBadges standards. This means the conform to standards and can often be opened from another badges backpack you may have in another platform already.
Separate Links to the badges
TopQore – All public badges page
TopQore Community Scholar badge page
TopQore Community Champion badge page
TopQore Community Wizard badge page
TopQore Community Ninja badge page
TopQore Community Jedi badge page
TopQore Community Presenter badge page
We hope you have fun attending community sessions from us and from many others in the community and keep learning and having a good time.